Date | Oct. 30, 2023 |
Code | 234 |
Borehole Name | Ceelka 10 |
Latitude | 9.4962582 |
Longitude | 45.5502025 |
Is the borehole functional? | Yes |
Static water level before pumping (m) | 93.0 |
Statis water level immediately after pumping (m) | 90.0 |
Static water level two hours after end pumping (m) | 93.0 |
What is the average hourly yield (m3/hr) | 140.0 |
Average daily pumping hours | 19.0 |
Average number of households served per day | 1500.0 |
Any noticeable water quality | No |
Electrical Conductivity | 2500.0 |
History | History 234 |