Date Dec. 26, 2022
Code BH068
Borehole Name Ceelka sin u jiif
Latitude 8.5382697
Longitude 48.9868936
Is the borehole functional? Yes
Static water level before pumping (m) 12.0
What is the average hourly yield (m3/hr) 8.0
Average daily pumping hours 7.0
Average number of households served per day 300.0
Types of animals served shoats
Average number of shoats served per day 500
Average price per 200L (USD) 0.16
Any noticeable water quality water_taste
Any noticeable water issue Dhanaan ilaa 3 sano iyo bil
Additional Notes 1 tuubooyinka magaalada oo naga xumaaday oola isticmaalayey 30 sano 2haanta ceelka oo birka sameeysan oo adimada ka daxaleysatey kuna dhow inay dhacdo 3 iyada oo aan lahayn laliskii booyadah laga dhaansho baahi weyna loo qabo qolka xafiis oo aanan lahayn oo baahi weyn u qabno
History History BH068