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Somalia Water sources Information Management System

Sustainable Water Sources

The Somalia Water sources Information Management System (SWIMS) is a web application that has features for both data management and data visualization through the internet. Agencies that manage water information can now use the live map to collect, update, and disseminate water sources data while other information users will be able to use the live map to visualize the data as well as “export” it for a variety of uses outside the live map. The live map has dramatically improved how water source information is managed in Somalia, where point water sources are the primary source of water. Through the live map, water sources information is accessible from any location, as long as there is internet connectivity. The published data is available to all users in Government Agencies, UN agencies, NGOs and private sector users.

The data has been broadly categorized by the surveys carried out for the data collection, and a Metadata developed for each category. Users can query the data by the following Metadata tags.

Metadata Tag Dataset
Water Sources Data from Partners – WSD_Pat Water sources data shared with SWALIM by different agencies/partners, either directly or through the Somalia WASH Cluster
Water Sources Inventory Survey – WSIS National water sources survey carried out in Somaliland and Puntland in 2008, and South/Central regions of Somalia in 2009
Hydrogeological Survey and Assessment of Selected Areas in Somaliland and Puntland - HASP Hydrogeology study done in 2012 to investigate and map potential groundwater aquifers in Somaliland and Puntland
Strategic Boreholes Survey – BHS A survey of strategic boreholes carried out in Somaliland and Puntland in 2013/2014
Strategic Water Sources Survey in Galmudug State – WSS_GM A survey of strategic water sources carried out in Galmudug State of Somalia in 2015.
Strategic Water Sources Survey in Bay and Bakool Regions – WSS_BB A survey of strategic water sources carried out in Bay and Bakool Regions of Somalia in 2017.
Strategic Water Sources Survey in Galmudug, Hiran, Middle and Lower Shabelle – WSS_GMHS A survey of strategic water sources carried out in Galmudug State and selected districts in Hiraan, Middle and Lower Shabelle Regions in 2018.
Strategic Water Sources Survey in Banadir Region – WSS_BA A survey of strategic water sources carried out in Banadir Region in 2019
Strategic Water Sources Survey – WSS_NAT A national survey of strategic water sources carried out across the country in 2019

The system is composed of three main tabs: Dashboard, Live Map and Database.

Operational dashboard showing various statistics and charts of the Water Sources.

Visualize and filter various parameters of the Water Sources.

Representation of Water Sources in Somalia in a dynamic Table format.


SWALIM is a multi-donor project managed by FAO and currently funded by The European Union, AICS, SDC, FCDO and Government of France
