Code BHWGHA091
Water Source Type Borehole
Inspecting Agency Somaliland_MoWRD
Inspection Date Dec. 21, 2019
District Hargeisa
Settlement Name Darasalam
Settlement Distance (km) 13.0
Establishing Agency Private
Establishing Date 21-11-19
Source Name Abdi subeer bore hole
Latitude 9.7736
Longitude 44.0468
Sources Cluster 1
Water Source Photo
Users Urban
Permanent? No
Months Used 12
Functioning? Abandoned
Non Function Reason New bore
No of Humans None
No of Camels None
No of Cattle None
No of Shoats None
Irrigation Area (ha) None
Source Protected? None
Borehole Depth (m) 150.0
Wellcasing Type Other
Wellcasing Size (inches) 0.0
Borehole SWL (m) 50.0
Borehole Operating Yield (m3/hr) 0.0
Borehole Operating Hours (hrs/day) 0.0
Borehole Operating Drawn (m) None
Borehole Recovery Time (hr) None
Reservoir Type Other
Reservoir Capacity (m3) None
Pipeline Type Other
Pipeline Length (m) None
HouseHold Connections 0
Water Point Kiosks 0
Troughs 0
Source Emergency? No
No of Trucks None
Truck Capacity (m3/hr) None
Pump Type No Pump
Pump Model None
Pump Capacity (m3/hr) None
Pump Level (m) None
Power Source None
Generator Type None
Generator Capacity (kVA/kWh) None
Solar Type None
Solar Capacity (kVA/kWh) None
Supply Condition Poor
Supply System Condition Notes Is very boorly
Physical Water Issues No
Physical Problem Reason None
Temperature (°C) None
pH None
Electrical Conductivity (µS/cm) None
Total Dissolved Solids (mg/l) None
Water Sample Code No Document
Management Type Private/Individual
WSC None
WSC Established Date None
WSC Male None
WSC Female None
Humans Charged for Water? No
Cost Of Water for Humans (USD) None
Water Charged for Animals? No
Cost Of Water for Animals (USD) None
Last Intervention Agency None
Last Intervention Description None
Last Intervention Date None
Proposed Intervention Description None
Additional Notes None
Metadata Tag Strategic Water Sources Survey – WSS_NAT
History History BHWGHA091


SWALIM is a multi-donor project managed by FAO and currently funded by The European Union, AICS, USAID, SDC, FCDO and Government of France
