Date Nov. 30, 2023
Code 429
Borehole Name Botor BH 4
Latitude 9.6870883
Longitude 43.6679628
Is the borehole functional? No
What is the reason for breakdown? Power supply issue - Cillad system-ka dabka ah (Matoor, Soolar Baanel, xadhkaha dabka).
Static water level before pumping (m) 120.0
Statis water level immediately after pumping (m) 100.0
Static water level two hours after end pumping (m) 90.0
What is the average hourly yield (m3/hr) 75.0
Average daily pumping hours 8.0
Average number of households served per day 5000.0
Types of animals served 0
Any noticeable water issue white
Additional Notes Solar inverta kaacun oo dayan tired ubahan
History History 429