Date | Feb. 6, 2023 |
Code | BH106 |
Borehole Name | Botor 2 BH |
Latitude | 9.7055124 |
Longitude | 43.6261001 |
Is the borehole functional? | Yes |
What is the reason for breakdown? | n/a |
Not functional remarks | n/a |
What is the average hourly yield (m3/hr) | 60.0 |
Average daily pumping hours | 12.0 |
Average number of households served per day | 1500.0 |
Average number of camels server per day | 300 |
Average number of cattles server per day | 120 |
Average number of shoats served per day | 100 |
Any noticeable water quality | n/a |
Any noticeable water issue | n/a |
Additional Notes | Waxanu u bahanahy qalabki lagu cabirayey biyaha marka ay hos u dhacan ama kor u kacaan |
History | History BH106 |