Database :: SWIMS
Id Code Select the type of water source being inspected Select the agency inspecting this water source Enter the date of source inspection Region District Enter the name of settlement / village where the source is located Distance to nearest settlement (KM) Select the agency that established this water source Enter the date when the source was established Enter the water source name Source gpspoint Enter water source Latitude in decimal degrees Enter water source Longitude in decimal degrees Enter Elevation (m.a.s.l) Enter GPS Precision (m) Enter number of water sources in a cluster Water Source Photographs Select the category of users for this water source Is this a permanent status water source? For how many months in a year is this water source in use (#)? Is this water source currently functioning? Non functioning reason No. of persons using No. of Camels using the source No. of Cattle using the source No. of Sheep/Goats using the source Area irrigated using the source (ha) Is the source protected? What is the depth of this borehole (m)? Type of Casing Casing size (inches) What is the current static water level of this borehole (m)? What is the yield of this borehole (m3/hr)? How long is this borehole operated in a day (hr)? What is the borehole draw down (m)? After pumping, how long does this borehole take to recover (hr)? What is the depth of this dug well (m)? What is the current static water level of this dug well (m)? What is the yield of this dug well (m3/hr)? How long is this dug well operated in a day (hr)? What is the dug well draw down (m)? After pumping, how long does this dug well take to recover (hr)? What is the depth of this dam (m)? What is the length of this dam (m)? What is the width of this dam (m)? What is the depth of this berkad (m)? What is the length of this berkad (m)? What is the width of this berkad (m)? What is the cumulative discharge rate of this spring (m3/hr)? What is the depth of this source (m)? What is the length of this source (m)? What is the width of this source (m)? What is the yield of the source (m3/hr)? What type of reservoir is used for this source? Reservoir capacity (m3) Pipeline type Pipeline length (m) How many House Holds (HH) are connected to this water source? How many kiosks/water points are connected to this source? How many animal troughs are connected to this source? Source used for water trucking during emergency? No. of trucks / day Average truck capacity (m3) Pump type Pump model Pump capacity (m3/hr) Pump level (m) Power source Generator/Solar type Generator capacity (kVA/kWh) What type/model is the solar used? What capacity is the solar (kWh)? Condition of supply system Additional notes on supply & distribution system condition Any visible physical problem (color, odor)? Please describe the color, odor and smell of water Temperature PH Electrical Conductivity (µs/cm) Total Dissolved Solids (mg/l) Water sample code. (if taken) Management type Water & Sanitation Committee (WSC)? Year established WSC members male WSC members female DIs water for human use charged? Current cost of 20 ltr jerrican (USD/20ltr) Is water for animal use charged? Current cost for Livestock (USD/100ltr) What is the name of the operator/caretaker for this water source? What is the phone number of the operator/caretaker? Which agency carried out last intervention on this water source? Recent interventions Last intervention date Proposed intervention description Additional Notes Metadata Tag
8380 Borehole FGS Ministry of Energy and Water Resources March 30, 2022 Lower Juba kismayo Bulagadud 1.0 ACTED 11/12/2021 Kastayge-Bulagadud front yard of River -0.0709846 42.5854934 -37.0 3 rural urban yes Yes 21000 0 0 1200 0.0 11.0 pvc 3.0 3.0 2.0 10.0 10.0 1.0 Concrete/Masonry tank 60.0 PVC 2.0 3500 2 0 yes 3 9.0 Submersible Pump 5.0 Solar 315.0 fair Very low flow of the water ,difficult filling tank and it consume a lot of time to fill it. no Communal yes 10-Dec-21 7 1 no no ICRC 28-Feb-21 Installing of one concrete tank and piping system Adding more concrete tank and increasing the depth size and piping extension for Health facilities, school and local authorities infrastructures
8385 Borehole FGS Ministry of Energy and Water Resources March 30, 2022 Lower Juba kismayo Bulagadud 1.0 IOM 01/08/2019 Kastayge-Bulagadud -0.071106 42.5857687 -36.0 3 rural urban yes Yes 18000 0 300 500 0.0 9.0 pvc 2.0 4.0 50.0 8.0 3.0 1.0 Concrete/Masonry tank 10.0 PVC 1500.0 2800 2 0 yes 2 15.0 Submersible Pump Operator has no knowledge for the pump 1.0 3.0 Solar 350.0 fair Its operating though some solar bundle is needed, strength of pumping system is limited and consume time to fill the tank. And also one of water kiosk is not functioning no Communal yes 28-Oct-19 5 1 no no Icrc 28-Feb-23 Drill, did rehabilitation and removed sand Increasing of the depth and strengthening of the pumping system
8383 Borehole FGS Ministry of Energy and Water Resources March 30, 2022 Lower Juba kismayo Yoontoy 5.0 IOM 28/08/2019 Yoontoy -0.1171887 42.5668991 -44.0 1 rural urban yes No One week ago 4200 0 0 0 0.0 6.0 pvc 3.0 2.0 10.0 5.0 5.0 1.0 Concrete/Masonry tank 50.0 PVC 500.0 650 2 yes 4 20.0 Submersible Pump 6.0 3.0 Solar 300.0 poor Unfunctioning currently but still doing rectification all defects no Communal yes 30-Aug-19 4 2 no no Community 30-Mar-22 The borehole its functioning and requesting support from Organisations and well wishers The tank links , drilling the depth of the borehole and they request new piping system
7140 Borehole FGS Ministry of Energy and Water Resources April 30, 2022 Lower Juba badhaadhe Hosingow 1.8 Community 30/04/2019 Dhananow -0.1697222 41.2685855 50.0 2 urban rural yes Yes 9000 3000 5000 5500 0.0 102.0 gi 6.0 30.0 34.0 12.0 90.0 0.0 Concrete/Masonry tank 32.0 PVC 1000.0 1500 1 5 yes 10 25.0 Submersible Pump 25.0 30.0 Generator Douse 240.0 good It's better p borhole da no Communal yes 30-Apr-19 7 4 no yes IOM 30-Apr-21 Solar/ building machine room Extra injin vence haan darar
7141 Borehole FGS Ministry of Energy and Water Resources April 30, 2022 Lower Juba badhaadhe Hosingow 1.5 Former gorverment 01/06/1975 Fceel biyo macaan -0.171151 41.2702469 53.0 2 urban rural yes Yes 6000 16000 15000 2.0 90.0 gi 6.0 25.0 15.0 45.0 8.0 Concrete/Masonry tank 360.0 PVC 2000.0 2000 2 6 yes Submersible Pump 25.0 Generator Douse 240.0 fair Midle livel no Communal yes 30-Apr-00 4 3 no yes Wasda 28-Jan-22 Solar/ piping tap Extra injin changing of the pump water ciosk
8438 Dug Well FGS Ministry of Energy and Water Resources March 30, 2022 Lower Juba kismayo GOBWAYN 3.0 Former Arabs farms 28/12/1900 Maqaracade -0.2147742 42.614979 -41.0 3 rural urban yes Yes 9000 0 20 105 0.0 4.0 3.0 5.0 7.0 3.0 1.0 Other 0.0 Other 0.0 1500 0 0 yes 2 18.0 No Pump good Communities uses local water hand fetch and the well is not protected no Communal no no no Community 19-Feb-22 They did excavation and removed waste Need pumping system, tank, solar installation and establishing of water Committee
8445 Dug Well FGS Ministry of Energy and Water Resources March 30, 2022 Lower Juba kismayo GOBWAYN 2.0 Former Arabs on 18 centuries 28/11/1900 Maqaracade 2 -0.21668 42.6158133 -46.0 3 rural urban yes Yes 7500 360 50 130 2.0 3.0 2.0 50.0 6.0 2.0 2.0 Other 0.0 Other 0.0 1500 0 0 yes 3 3.0 No Pump fair This is old shallow wells and they rehabilitate by doing sand removal and currently they got good water for consumption no Communal no no no Community 21-Feb-22 They did excavation and covered with strong tree beaks Need pumping system, tank, solar installation and establishing of water Committee
3734 DWLJKI001 Dug Well BRCiS June 1, 2017 Lower Juba Kismayo Farjana Farjana -0.3364 42.5615 20.0 Manual Portable water Water Sources Data from Partners – WSD_Pat
7383 Borehole FGS Ministry of Energy and Water Resources March 31, 2022 Lower Juba kismayo Caafi celasha 15.0 29/06/2015 Lixda cell caafi -0.338723 42.5360932 13.0 6 rural urban yes No Three to five month because of low presuure and water became hard 50000 0 0 0 0.0 80.0 pvc 35.0 33.0 24.0 25.0 1.0 Concrete/Masonry tank 200.0 PVC 15.0 8500 29 0 yes 30 Submersible Pump 30.0 Solar 300.0 good Good system no Private/Individual yes 1 no Caafi comlpany 9-Dec-20 Reh in general all the time Pump, pipe changes
7384 Borehole FGS Ministry of Energy and Water Resources March 31, 2022 Lower Juba kismayo Caafi- Farjano 5.0 Private Caafi Ibrahim -0.3393193 42.536169 13.0 11 rural urban yes Yes 55000 0 0 0 0.0 80.0 pvc 25.0 30.0 12.0 78.0 15.0 Concrete/Masonry tank 180.0 PVC 25.0 9100 9 0 yes 5 20.0 Submersible Pump 50.0 18.0 Solar 300.0 good Watwr yield is very low and cannot reach all the communities as required no Private/Individual yes 1 no 28-Dec-21 Pumping system, more sloar Need pumping support, more solar bundles and machine for filteration


SWALIM is a multi-donor project managed by FAO and currently funded by The European Union, AICS, USAID, SDC, FCDO and Government of France
