Database :: SWIMS
Id Code Select the type of water source being inspected Select the agency inspecting this water source Enter the date of source inspection Region District Enter the name of settlement / village where the source is located Distance to nearest settlement (KM) Select the agency that established this water source Enter the date when the source was established Enter the water source name Source gpspoint Enter water source Latitude in decimal degrees Enter water source Longitude in decimal degrees Enter Elevation (m.a.s.l) Enter GPS Precision (m) Enter number of water sources in a cluster Water Source Photographs Select the category of users for this water source Is this a permanent status water source? For how many months in a year is this water source in use (#)? Is this water source currently functioning? Non functioning reason No. of persons using No. of Camels using the source No. of Cattle using the source No. of Sheep/Goats using the source Area irrigated using the source (ha) Is the source protected? What is the depth of this borehole (m)? Type of Casing Casing size (inches) What is the current static water level of this borehole (m)? What is the yield of this borehole (m3/hr)? How long is this borehole operated in a day (hr)? What is the borehole draw down (m)? After pumping, how long does this borehole take to recover (hr)? What is the depth of this dug well (m)? What is the current static water level of this dug well (m)? What is the yield of this dug well (m3/hr)? How long is this dug well operated in a day (hr)? What is the dug well draw down (m)? After pumping, how long does this dug well take to recover (hr)? What is the depth of this dam (m)? What is the length of this dam (m)? What is the width of this dam (m)? What is the depth of this berkad (m)? What is the length of this berkad (m)? What is the width of this berkad (m)? What is the cumulative discharge rate of this spring (m3/hr)? What is the depth of this source (m)? What is the length of this source (m)? What is the width of this source (m)? What is the yield of the source (m3/hr)? What type of reservoir is used for this source? Reservoir capacity (m3) Pipeline type Pipeline length (m) How many House Holds (HH) are connected to this water source? How many kiosks/water points are connected to this source? How many animal troughs are connected to this source? Source used for water trucking during emergency? No. of trucks / day Average truck capacity (m3) Pump type Pump model Pump capacity (m3/hr) Pump level (m) Power source Generator/Solar type Generator capacity (kVA/kWh) What type/model is the solar used? What capacity is the solar (kWh)? Condition of supply system Additional notes on supply & distribution system condition Any visible physical problem (color, odor)? Please describe the color, odor and smell of water Temperature PH Electrical Conductivity (µs/cm) Total Dissolved Solids (mg/l) Water sample code. (if taken) Management type Water & Sanitation Committee (WSC)? Year established WSC members male WSC members female DIs water for human use charged? Current cost of 20 ltr jerrican (USD/20ltr) Is water for animal use charged? Current cost for Livestock (USD/100ltr) What is the name of the operator/caretaker for this water source? What is the phone number of the operator/caretaker? Which agency carried out last intervention on this water source? Recent interventions Last intervention date Proposed intervention description Additional Notes Metadata Tag
4657 DWSNCL016 Dug Well Somaliland_MoWRD Nov. 8, 2019 Sanaag Ceel Afweyn Gar'adag Community 11/5/1980 Gar-adag Dug Well 9.4864 46.8661 778.0 4.288 0 1573222991872.jpg yes No Since 2012 pump is not work 3000 Yes 4.0 2.0 Concrete/Masonry tank PVC 2000.0 7 4 yes 8 8.0 Grundfos 5.0 0.0 Submersible Pump The ipvc 1"all pipeline are broken No No No UNICEF - United Nations Children's Fund Dug Well protected pump and solar installation and 2000m 1." upvc pipeline. 2012-12-08 We proposed new pump 2km 2" Upvc new pipeline system, rehabilitation of all kiosk and troughs 4 pcs solar panel Dug Well cover and 50m2 fencing. Strategic Water Sources Survey – WSS_NATl
8391 Dug Well FGS Ministry of Energy and Water Resources April 18, 2022 Bay qansax_dheere Mookubow 3.0 Community Mookubow 2.898767 43.005208 18 rural yes No 1.0 4.0 8.0 Concrete/Masonry tank ABS 400 no Submersible Pump 0.0 0.0 Electricity Grid fair no Communal yes 3 3 no no No need for intervention
2438 DWAWBO057 Dug Well SWALIM Archives April 26, 2005 Awdal Borama 0.11 Community 17-06-05 HEG.W4 10.0667 43.2514 1103.0 Yes Yes 1999.0 6.2 4.0 10.0 1999.0 1999 HONDA Honda 0.0 Pump 27.1 7.74 666.0 No Yes GAA - German Agro Action Water Sources Data from Partners – WSD_Pat
2289 DWAWBA007 Dug Well SWALIM Archives April 29, 2005 Awdal Baki 0.8 Community 23-06-05 BGWW45 10.0347 43.3517 1029.0 Yes Yes 1999.0 6.0 3.9 15.0 1999.0 1999 Honda 0.0 Pump 27.0 794.0 No Yes Water Sources Data from Partners – WSD_Pat
2308 DWAWBA026 Dug Well SWALIM Archives April 29, 2005 Awdal Baki 0.02 Community 22-06-05 BAGW21 10.0183 43.3675 1048.0 Yes Yes 1999.0 6.0 3.0 21.0 1999.0 1999 Honda 0.0 Pump 30.0 7.51 690.0 No Yes Water Sources Data from Partners – WSD_Pat
99 BHAWLU002 Borehole Somaliland_MoWRD Nov. 27, 2019 Awdal Lughaye Geerisa 1.0 Manhal Relief Organization 23-09-05 Geerisa bore hole 1 10.6078 43.4341 240.0 4.9 2 1574836924450.jpg Rural Urban Yes Yes 600 0 1000 0.0 65.0 PVC 8.0 40.0 8.0 12.0 2.0 1.0 Concrete/Masonry tank 18.0 Other 5.0 1500 2 2 No Submersible Pump Grundfos 7kW 1.0 0.0 Hybrid - Solar/Generator Perkins UK 13.6 Banal 280.0 Good Is good Yes 31.4 7.42 1001.0 860.0 Communal 23-07-09 3 2 Yes 0.2 Yes DRC - Danish Refugee Council (Somaliland) Solor 2007-06-06 New generator 0ne banal of solor brokers water piont extral elevation tanks rehabilitation generator houses and guad house Strategic Water Sources Survey – WSS_NATl
2293 DWAWBA011 Dug Well SWALIM Archives April 29, 2005 Awdal Baki 0.2 Community 22-06-05 BAGW11 10.0336 43.3522 1024.0 Yes Yes 1999.0 5.0 3.8 12.0 1999.0 1999 Honda 0.0 Pump 24.3 7.56 770.0 Yes Yes GAA - German Agro Action Water Sources Data from Partners – WSD_Pat
2457 DWAWBO076 Dug Well SWALIM Archives April 29, 2005 Awdal Borama 0.08 21-06-05 BABOW1 10.0336 43.335 1031.0 Yes Yes 1999.0 5.4 4.8 4.0 1999.0 1999 Honda 0.0 Pump 520.0 No Yes Water Sources Data from Partners – WSD_Pat
2478 DWAWLU007 Dug Well Somaliland_MoWRD Feb. 28, 2017 Awdal Lughaye Far do lugu xidh CARE Somalia 3/26/2017 Far do lugu xidh shellow 10.4098 43.4508 537.0 4.9 1 1574846761495.jpg yes Yes 200 Yes 14.0 9.0 2.0 8.0 0.0 Concrete/Masonry tank Stainless Steel 3.0 1 5 1000 no Grundfos 3.0 0.0 Submersible Pump Banal Is good YES No 29.9 7.55 1320.0 660.0 Yes 6/22/2018 5 4 Yes 0.3 No CARE Somalia Tanks con Cort 2018-06-22 Pipeline and distribution, extra pump Strategic Water Sources Survey – WSS_NATl
7863 Dug Well Somaliland MoWRD May 5, 2022 Sanaag ceel_afweyn Fadhigaab 0.1 UNICEF 04/07/2016 Fadhigaab Dug well 9.66848134528846 47.0167676266283 851.0 0 rural urban yes Yes 10000 2000 50 3000 0.0 20.0 18.0 7.0 3.0 Concrete/Masonry tank 20.0 Galvanised Steel 300.0 15000 4 5 no Submersible Pump Grundfos 12.0 0.0 Solar Lorentz 15.0 good Good Condition no 27.0 7.4 3000.0 2100.0 Utility/Local Authority no no Oxfam Novib 25/12/2020 Protection cover of the well This dug well provides water large community and it locates near Erigavo main road so its necessary protection fence, construction of gabion to protect from floods, pipeline system rehabilitation, generator, rehabilitation of kiosks.


SWALIM is a multi-donor project managed by FAO and currently funded by The European Union, AICS, USAID, SDC, FCDO and Government of France
